FPGA / Embedded C/C++ Designer - Intel, Brno (až 85.000 Kč)

Brno-město, Brno

A world leader in the field of digital systems Intel is seeking a candidate with experience and enthusiasm about FPGA / Embedded C/C++ designs. Challenging projects, wide range of design technologies, extensive set of tools, opportunity for acquiring in-depth knowledge are just a few of features waiting for a multidisciplinary designer. We will allow you to grow further and gain invaluable experience. Don/'t hasitate a apply now.

* Design, development and debugging of RTL code/IP in FPGA

* Development of auxiliary and testing SW

* Design benchmarking

* Assignment to a particular project depends on experience / knowledge

* Occasionallly travelling to EU / USA, mostly at the project startup

* Initial training abroad lasting several weeks

* Communication with local/remote team and customers

Nabídka: * long-term contract

* working with the cutting-edge technologies

* international projects

* daily usage of English

* flexible working hours

* occassionally home-office

* initial training (depending on project EU, USA)

* technical trainings

* language courses

* refreshment at work free

* extra holidays

* meal vouchers

* pension / life insurance

* company events

* cafeteria

Požadavky: * Bachelor or Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or relevant

* Experience in developing and implementing RTL for any FPGA platform (VHDL, Verilog, System Verilog, OpenCL)

* Experience in programming in C/C++

* Solid understanding of TCP/IP networks

* Knowledge of Linux

* Knowledge of IDE and other design tools (GIT, SVN, etc.)

* Ability to work in team

* English - ability to communicate with peers, customer and management


* Advantageous - experience in any of the following would be plus

* CPU/GPU architecture, OpenCL, SoC, ASIC

* image processing, data compression, cryptography, multithreaded applications

* QoS, routing, switching

* PERL, Bash, assembly language

Detaily o pracovním místě:
Firma: Jobs Contact Personal, s.r.o.
Lokalita: Brno
Pracovní pozice: FPGA / Embedded C/C++ Designer - Intel, Brno (až 85.000 Kč)
Nástup do práce od: IHNED
Nabízená mzda: až 85000 Kč za měsíc
Nabídka přidána: 26. 4. 2024
Pracovní pozice aktivní
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