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Senior Quality Analyst with German


Popis pozice
Supervision Quality for clients with multiple programs or lines of businesses which can be across multiple sites / geos. Supervise all Transaction Monitoring Evaluators who support their assigned portfolio. This individual is responsible for the accuracy of evaluations, analysis, and overall performance, as well as the skill level and development of the employees in their teams.

Essential Functions/Core Responsibilities

• Supervision of work group, including work assignment and attendance monitoring; providing input into selecting, training, developing, and completing performance appraisal of workgroup(s) in accordance with the organization’s policies and applicable legal requirements
• Maintain accurate metrics of direct reports individual performance as well as overall team-level performance
• Manage resources across the assigned portfolio (personnel schedules, varying account needs
• Evaluate levels of process and staff effectiveness and work with Business stakeholders to create and collaborate on the execution of improvement action plans
• Develop strong working relationships with key Business stakeholders, internal and external
• Oversee audits of key support processes within each account and recommend changes
• Administration of applicable certification and training processes up to and including internal and client requirements
• Ensure consistent application of the quality process/system across assigned portfolio
• Ensure effective facilitation and coordination of calibration sessions; attend calibration or monitoring sessions as appropriate
• Lead quality task forces/action plans with Business stakeholders (Quality Leadership, Operations, Client, Account Management, and Resource Unit partners). Conducts analysis on quality performance and is responsible for identifying trends, determining root causes, presenting findings both internally and externally, and lead corrective action plans

Detaily o pracovním místě:
Firma: Webhelp Enterprise Sales Solutions Czech Republic
Lokalita: Práce na Slovensku
Pracovní pozice: Senior Quality Analyst with German
Směnnost práce FULL_TIME
Nástup do práce od: IHNED
Nabízená mzda: neuvedeno
Nabídka přidána: 12. 3. 2024
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