Welcome to the Jungle - Kariérní průvodce

Product Marketing Specialist


Popis pozice

We are looking for a Product Marketing Specialist to join our newly established Growth team within the Product Department. As a Product Marketing Manager, you will be responsible for acting as the vital link between our marketing and product teams. You will help create and manage campaigns for push notifications, in-app messages, and emails.

What will you do?

  • Facilitate cooperation between the Marketing and Product departments.

  • Design and execute campaigns via push notifications, in-app messages, email, and web banners.

  • Analyze campaign results and provide recommendations for future optimization.

  • Work with tools such as Firebase, Brevo, and AppsFlyer.

  • Generate or co-create Product Marketing content and articles.

  • Oversee internal communication, including release notes and maintenance of our internal Product Confluence space.

  • Communicate with the Engineering, Marketing, Sales, and Digital Content teams to coordinate necessary materials.

  • Assist in creating comprehensive Product-Marketing strategies and in creating communication plans for sports events and product features.

  • Collaborate on the design of marketing materials (such as landing pages, microsites, and others) with the Marketing department.

  • Co-create a long-term communication plan, including required documentation.

Detaily o pracovním místě:
Firma: Livesport
Lokalita: Praha
Pracovní pozice: Product Marketing Specialist
Směnnost práce FULL_TIME
Nástup do práce od: IHNED
Nabízená mzda: neuvedeno
Nabídka přidána: 5. 4. 2024
Pracovní pozice aktivní
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