European Operations Director´s assistent

Praha hl.m.

Požadavky: For our dedicated client in proffesional services we are looking for a right candidate on the position Deputy of European Operations Manager.

job description

* Assists with management of maintenance and service contracts and inventories on all office furnishings and office equipment.

* Assists in design, planning, construction, furnishing of new office space.

* Assists local Office Managers with management of office facilities, including utilization of current space, office maintenance, renovation, and security functions.

* Assists with management of corporate documents and local compliance.

* Coordinates preparation of annual offices’ budgets.

* Monitors and controls expenditures in compliance with budget and prepares analysis of budget variances.

* Oversees offices’ cost recovery program.

* Supports local Office Manager with training, performance appraisals, salary reviews, staffing needs, and employee development in accordance with Firm policy and equal opportunity.

* Supports Training team and local Office Managers in providing training of computer system to users in all software applications.

* Undertakes special projects as assigned.

who we are looking for

* Proven work experience similar to this one

* Knowledge of organizational effectiveness and operations management

* Experience budgeting and forecasting

* Familiarity with business and financial principles

* Excellent communication skills

* Outstanding organisational skills

* Professional in English

* Any other European language is an advantage

what we offer

* Representative environment

* Nice remunaration plus bonuses

* Notebook, mobile

* We care about the health of our employees, so you can get a Multisport card at a discounted price

* We have Cafeteria, monthly pension contributions, and Health Days for our employee


Have some question about the position first? Feel free to contact us!

Or you can just apply to job offer, send us your cv, and we will contact you with more details.

To see all our open positions, go directly to

Detaily o pracovním místě:
Lokalita: Praha hl.m.
Pracovní pozice: European Operations Director´s assistent
Nástup do práce od: IHNED
Nabízená mzda: neuvedeno
Nabídka přidána: 6. 5. 2024
Pracovní pozice aktivní
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Praha hl.m. - Nabídka práce v okolních lokalitách
Zaujala Vás nabídka práce na pozici European Operations Director´s assistent ve městě Praha hl.m.? Pošlete svůj životopis firmě ještě dnes.